One day, at The Father House, my infant son began running a very high fever----he felt extremely hot and would not stop crying. I was frantic and unsure what to do, so I decided to wrap him in a cold sheet again and again, in the hopes of bringing his temperature down and although wrapping him in that cold sheet over and over again and watching him scream and cry was one of the most difficult things that I've ever had to do, in my life. But, I was determined to do whatever was necessary to help my son. If I had to walk down the driveway and flag a car down to ask someone to drive me to an emergency room----that was something that I was prepared to do. But, thankfully my son's temperature dropped and he started doing better, but other infants didn't fare as well at The Father House.
My feeling is that Jim Baker's belief in The Source Family not seeking or using medical help or treatment had the most detrimental effects on the entire group, especially on some infants, who were born while their parents were in the cult. I still find it very difficult to understand how a man who was the spiritual leader of an entire group of people who some saw as being a highly evolved human being capable of immense love and compassion, and as being the wisest of men could be so accepting and nonchalant when babies were in distress under his watch. It is still difficult for me to comprehend even now forty years later how Jim Baker could sit relaxed, laughing, eating doing all of the normal everyday things that he did surrounded by his adoring women, while somewhere nearby an infant was crying continuously in dire distress.
Not seeking medical attention is alarming in any large group of people living in extremely crowded conditions, although not unusual in other religious groups, sects or cults who shun using modern medicine opting for 'faith healing' or 'self-healing', along with being passively accepting if death was the outcome of not using medical intervention of any kind. Father Yod repeatedly referred to death as 'liberation' and "leaving the body' as if it were to be welcomed and even embraced. But for me, it is one thing if a fifty-year-old man makes the decision not to seek or use modern medicine or assistance of any kind, but it's an entirely different thing when those decisions are imposed on the helpless such as babies and small children. Jim Baker's belief in the entire Source Family to not seek or use any outside medical help was the most disturbing and detrimental aspect of his entire belief system. One which, of course cost him his own life in the end.