Sunday, November 29, 2015

WWII Veteran Meets Flower Children

One of the things that the 2012 film made about The Source Family shows is how Jim Baker went from being a wealthy Hollywood playboy who had been arrested on a couple of occasions for using deadly force and supposedly committing bank robberies to his transition into becoming an earthly spiritual father for a group of devoted followers. Aside from the time that Jim Baker spent sitting before Yogi Bhajan, there was little to qualify Jim Baker in becoming a spiritual teacher.  Yet, that is what Jim Baker came to be seen by his most devoted followers:  their loving, benevolent and wise earthly spiritual father.

Jim Baker is heard in the film in his own words explaining how he felt when he first came across a hippie girl, which was his first exposure to the hippies who had been living a life where free love and peace were prevailing themes.  But, Jim Baker came from my parent's generation who lived through WWII----not someone from my own generation.  Jim Baker had never been a hippie or ever lived a communal hippie lifestyle where he dropped out from mainstream society, at least not until he decided to form his own spiritual group.  To me, there was a glaring generational gap in how Jim Baker perceived things----especially in how he viewed the roles of the men and women who would comprise his New Age/Aquarian family.

My own step-dad, a WWII veteran believed that women had distinct roles that he referred to as woman's work such as making meals and housework----a view that he and Jim Baker seemed to share.  I recall when Jim Baker made the analogy of the women or angels (he referred to all the women in the group as angels) having sex with multiple men in the family the same as where one woman would often sexually service more than one man, during times of war.  That belief of women sexually servicing multiple men, during times of war was bolstered with him instilling the belief that a war between light and darkness was being waged and that the family members who sat before him were Warriors of Light fighting the dark forces-----a recurring theme in much of Father Yod's rhetoric.

I was dismayed by a lot of what Jim Baker was saying, although; I chose to ignore the alarm bells and red flags and just accepted what my newly found earthly spiritual father was saying, instead choosing to believe at the time, that he must have everyone's best interests at heart.  But, one thing became very clear in joining The Source Family, and that was that Jim Baker saw the role of women as one of obedience and servitude.

The Mormons believe that a woman can only get into the kingdom of heaven through a man, which is essentially what Jim Baker also believed----that a woman's liberation from the chains and shackles of this earthly existence and her only true happiness was through her "serving and inspiring" a man.  In fact, a woman who chose to go it alone and chose to remain single or independent was seen as being masculine and was looked down upon by Father Yod, because he steadfastly did not believe that women were emotionally equipped to deal with the vicissitudes of life.

Father Yod also did not condone a gay lifestyle and obliquely condemned it, and so when a gay man who joined in the early days divulged to Father Yod his sexual orientation; that man was told that he should leave The Source Family.  Jim Baker's intolerance of a gay lifestyle was also indicative of his WWII mentality and generational gap.  So, Jim Baker began to glorify and convince the men who joined his group that they were gods or godmen where he used the analogy of the sun shining constant and life-giving rays on woman (or women), who were seen as the moon and were dark, changeable and emotional only capable of reflecting her suns light and could only achieve emotional stability and balance through a man.

Jim Baker believed that a woman's only true lasting happiness was in serving a man, not going out and having a career.  This is what all women who joined The Source Family were expected to believe and adopt as being their role in life----to serve one of the suns/sons in the family by taking care of his earth trip, which translated to things like preparing his meals and doing his laundry, giving him foot and full body massages.....even brushing his hair, lest a sun or godman had to descend from his pursuit or contemplation of spirit to perform such a menial task.  Along with serving a son, the women or angels were expected to adopt what I saw as a kind of submissive, worshipful obedience that became the expected attitude of women towards their godman.

So, many of us who joined The Brotherhood of The Source tried adopting the roles set out by Father Yod for the women and men in his group, even if those roles set off alarm bells within many of us.  In my mind, Jim Baker used the free love that many of us had already been experiencing as hippies that was so prevalent during the sixties and early seventies as a way to live out or fulfill his own male fantasy of having sex with multiple women; especially some very young women, after he decided to become their earthly spiritual father claiming to have had a vision that he was supposed to gather his own children.  Because it was much easier to convince his followers to lower their inhibitions and follow or obey his made-up directives around sexual promiscuity, if he claimed they were spiritual teachings and especially easier if those adoring followers saw you as their caring, wise and benevolent spiritual father.

It really was no surprise to learn that a few of Father Yod's women got into prostitution, after The Source Family dispersed, because it was a short step from having sex with multiple men in the family to what some women got paid to do in the real world.  So much for New Age/Aquarian peace and love.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Affectations and Magical Thinking

I thought that I would write about the 'magical thinking' that defined life in The Source Family, and the many affectations that 'family' members adopted beginning with the way that Jim Baker would often speak with the affectation of 'a guru from India.'  Perhaps by affecting the speech of his own 'spiritual' master, Yogi Bhajan; Jim Baker thought that he'd be perceived as being a 'spiritual master' himself.  Who knows, but I always thought it sounded very pretentious, whenever he began speaking in that way.  It seemed that Jim Baker would adopt an Indian guru speech affectation whenever there were 'outsiders' present, or non-family members whom he wanted to impress.  Because, Jim Baker was all about putting on a good show.  So much of life in The Source Family was about 'putting on a show' or presentation and attracting attention.  I often found Father Yod to be extremely embarrassing, with his speech affectations and his incessant 'teaching' or proselytizing and lecturing often in a loud and bombastic way.

Given Father Yod's presentation, it's no wonder that other family members soon adopted their own 'spiritual' affectations and behaviors, in wanting to copy or emulate their spiritual 'teacher', and to give the appearance of having attained a higher consciousness or some kind of enlightened, spiritual superiority which seemed to be the expression of many in The Source Family.  Those who became convinced by Father Yod that they were the 'saints' and 'sages' and 'saviors' of the world dressed all in white following an older man around sporting a beard and long hair doing a good impression of Moses was a heady mix for some who were willing and eager to adopt their own 'spiritual' persona; who also wanted to be seen as being wise and 'enlightened' or 'chosen' to be in God's army leading the way for mankind----that was the climate that anyone joining The Brotherhood of The Source would have found themselves in.

Initially, what Jim Baker was offering did sound wonderful and appealing.  But, soon like many older men of his generation; Jim Baker succumbed to the allure or enticement of having women prostrate themselves in front of him and soon saw how accessible they were sexually, especially in his new role of 'earthly spiritual father'----the same allure that many other gurus, swamis and spiritual leaders succumbed to and had become all too common.

If Jim Baker had been able to 'keep it in his pants', perhaps The Brotherhood of The Source might have taken another direction rather than the one that it did.  If Jim Baker had been able to remain committed and loyal to his new bride, Robin Baker, rather than 'the family' becoming a cult where the practice of 'sex magic' took precedence, perhaps something healthy and sustainable might have been created.  But, Jim Baker was a victim of his own sexual desires and inclinations, and his own desire or need to garner attention to himself, by gathering his own group of adoring followers just as Yogi Bhajan had done.

Unfortunately, Jim Baker decided that it was his role to impregnate as many women as he possibly could, in order to create a super race of what he considered 'conscious' Aquarian children and so he began grooming one of the first young women to join his 'family' who was all of fourteen, but who soon decided to leave the group after realizing that she had not joined to break up a marriage or procreate with a man whom she saw as her 'spiritual father.'  But, the die was cast and Jim Baker continued his acquisition of more and more women who joined his family, while expounding and espousing on 'spirit' and about attaining a 'higher consciousness' in order to lead humanity out of the darkness and into the 'new age'.

Adopting 'magical thinking' became the norm within The Source Family, from believing that rain water called 'tahuti water' contained magical properties, or that an 'elemental kingdom' existed where elemental spirits inhabited fire, water, air and earth, to imbuing inanimate objects with talismanic properties, or attaching numen to the places wherever 'the family' resided (like Lanikai Beach on the windward side of Oahu), or how a special 'soma' drink was prepared during a full moon to be used in ceremonial magic (the only drink that contained alcohol), where exhaling aggressively through your nostrils was seen as a way of expelling 'negative' thoughts.  Yes, welcome to the whacky, weird world of the 'magical thinking' that prevailed in The Source Family, and the affectations that would define the entire experience.  Where staring unblinking into the sun at sunrise and sunset was practiced on a regular basis, along with sending imaginary waves from the pineal gland in your brain down through your body into the earth as a way to cleanse your 'ethereal' body.

Life in The Source Family was centered around the belief and practices of 'new age' and occult magic, along with seeing 'signs' in everything.  There was also a large degree of idleness within The Source Family.  There was a lot of 'hanging out' and just doing nothing, especially among the women, since Jim Baker would only allow the men or 'sons' to conduct 'outside' business enterprises or work in the restaurant, due to Father Yod's belief that women were not emotionally equipped to deal with the outside world, and therefore should be protected from it.  There were a few exceptions like allowing women to work in The Source Restaurant, since his 'sons' were nearby, if protection was needed.  A few women were allowed to conduct 'family' business on the 'outside' on occasion, but overall the majority of women spent the day doing all of the menial, household chores such as cleaning, laundry and childcare.  For being an 'aquarian' family, I found the roles of men and women in The Source Family outdated and sexist resembling that in biblical times, especially eschewing the use of doctors and modern medicine.

One of the things that many of us did after being on 'the outside' upon returning to the 'circumvent force' (a kundalini yoga term that Jim Baker adopted) or 'magical boundary' of the family, was to take a cold shower or go into the ocean (when in Hawaii) to wash off the 'bad vibes' that may have attached themselves while being out in the 'maya'....invisible cooties if you will.  So, Father Yod prescribed several 'psychic cleansing' actions to cleanse away any psychic negativity that may have attached to 'family' members who spent time 'outside' in the world. There was quite a lot of magical thinking in The Source Family; like the belief that an adept (an accomplished master of the spiritual realms) just showed up one day at The Father House and presented Father Yod with the Mystic Road (a series of repetitive mental exercises to increase concentration) that has become a fulcrum, by some of Father Yod's 'teachings'; only to have this adept leave never to be seen or heard from again!  Magic!  One of the most common and overused of psychic protections was to aggressively exhale through your nostrils to expel any negative thoughts, or verbally eructing the word "Tau!" as another way to drive out unwanted thoughts, which also became one of the most adopted idiosyncrasies that everyone did in response to something they found unpleasant.....using "tau!" was the equivalent of saying "No More!" or "Enough!."

Jim Baker was also really into 'testing' members of his flock, in order to determine their 'spiritual' resolve or commitment to him, and so he would often either kick people out of 'the family', or instruct them to carry out certain tasks as 'a test', because Father Yod believed that having his 'children' overcome challenges or adversity would 'test their mettle.'  Although, I observed that these 'tests' never seemed to extend to those whom Father Yod favored, which is also why it's easy to see why some former family members have only happy memories of their time spent in The Source Family.  A few people were pampered and coddled and given 'special treatment and dispensation' simply for being 'favorites' of Father Yod.  That is how it worked in The Source Family.  It meant that if you were one of his 'favorites' than you were at the receiving end of having money, travel or tools/equipment at your disposal, or if you were one of 'his women', it meant having access to nicer dresses and/or jewelry, as well as the first and best selection of foods set aside for Father Yod which is why a few of the women who chose to become one of Father Yod's 'women' saw it as an opportunity to gain status and access to more within 'the family.'

I was in The Source Family for six years and never had one piece of jewelry.  My lack of nice dresses and jewelry of any kind spoke volumes about my own status within the family.  But, then seeking favor or supplicating myself before Jim Baker was not something that I was interested in doing.  I guess that's how it was supposed to work in this 'new age', aquarian family---only those who were the most favored, or devoted or the most appealing or pleasing to Father Yod were given preferential treatment.

Another form of testing imposed by Jim Baker was placing women within 'the family' with one of his 'sons', or instructing one of his 'sons' to accept certain women as their 'angel', even if it meant a woman leaving her spouse or husband to go 'be with' or serve another man (son) in the family.  If someone got a staph infection, it was also seen as 'a test.'  Absolutely everything within the group was seen as some kind of 'spiritual' test.  The prevailing belief of Father Yod was that 'spirit' was guiding his words and actions----a delusional belief that a few devoted followers still purport as being true.

Since Jim Baker was viewed as being a great, spiritual teacher by his followers and in possession of ancient, esoteric and occult knowledge; a kind of dependent, childlike behavior ensued where Source Family members would ask his advice or counsel on absolutely everything.  When your entire life is reduced to following the beliefs and edicts of one man, who is seen as being a great spiritual leader; it does not leave much room for individual or autonomous decision-making.  Everyone's actions and speech were scrutinized continually and you either adopted the groupspeak and affectations of everyone else in The Source Family or you left, or were kicked out.

Magical thinking permeated every aspect of daily life in The Source Family, and is also what lead to or contributed to some of its more tragic outcomes by believing that 'spirit' guided and directed everything to such an extent that normal emotions or reactions of individuals became anaesthetized.  A perfect example was when Jim Baker crash-landed on the beach and lay there surrounded by a group of his followers who were unsure what to do, because of the indoctrination and groupthink that prevailed that 'Yahowha' was still in control and that 'spirit' would decide his fate.

There were other examples of how healthy, individual emotional responses and behaviors were muted, subdued or lacking due to the indoctrination and supplicant behavior by the individual's who comprised The Source Family, to where individual autonomy and decision-making were supplanted with the will of Father Yod and/or 'his women.'  I believe that it was because of the childlike dependence of 'family' members on Father Yod, that the ability for people to act independently was lost----where individuals were unable to respond appropriately afraid of going against the prevailing groupthink.

Loss of personal autonomy is one of the signature features found in cults----an inability to respond or act accordingly to what is best for the individual, in fear of going against the group.  By only doing what was sanctioned and approved by Father Yod, people became disempowered and enervated.

Although, it is embarrassing to write about being in The Source Family, because most nowadays will read this and say, "what the hell, why would anyone subject themselves to any of that?", which is why the majority of men and women who shared the same experience of being in The Source Family have chosen to remain silent out of embarrassment for having subjected themselves to the roles and occult practices expected of them.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

If The Children Were The Most Important

One of the biggest contradictions of Jim Baker was how many of his actions and behavior seemed completely opposite to the words he espoused, like in his views of 'the children' in The Source Family.  In the early days, before he began impregnating the women around him and before a bumper crop of babies were born; Jim Baker always spoke about the value and importance of the children who had been brought into The Brotherhood of The Source by their parents.  During that time, it seemed as though Jim Baker truly regarded 'the children' as the promise of the future to be nurtured and cherished and that it was the children who should always be fed and provided for first and foremost.

Jim Baker also believed that the children should all live together as a group separate from their parents rather than children and their parents sleeping together and sharing a living space.  So, the children who came into The Source Family with their parents all lived together in a room or space separate from the rest of the family, with mothers rotating shifts to take over what was called 'children's duty.'  You could basically 'drop off' your child with the group and not worry about them, unless it was your turn on 'children's duty.'

But, not long after Jim Baker had impregnated his own legal wife, Robin Baker and then two other women whom he considered to be 'his women'; Jim Baker began to view the children who had been brought into 'the family' by their parents as being 'Piscean.'  The term 'Piscean' was a derogatory term used in The Source Family to denote anyone or anything that represented or resembled the old age that we were leaving behind.  The Piscean Age meaning the astrological age that valued money, power and control as opposed to the new Age of Aquarius values of love, brotherhood, unity and integrity.  Father Yod believed that it was his role to create or produce a super race of 'Aquarian' children in the babies being born into The Source Family, and so he soon began to view the children born outside what was constantly referred to as 'the circumvent force' of his 'family', as potentially having a negative influence on his babies, and so he wanted them kept separate or away from the children he considered 'Piscean'.  Man, what a contradiction!  To go from viewing the children brought into the family by their parents as being the most valued, to being seen as a potential negative influence on his own children!  Jim Baker was afraid that the 'Piscean' children's habits and behaviors might negatively influence his own children.  Which is also probably why he did not seem too concerned when he had the women with children abruptly sent away to live on a parcel of land located outside Makawao, Maui when the threat of social services descending on the compound in Los Angeles became real.

What preempted the evacuation was when a newborn baby developed a serious case of staph and against Father Yod's edict was taken to a nearby emergency room for treatment, which raised the alarm.  It was because of the threat of the Department of Social Services descending upon The Father House that Father Yod decided to have all of the pregnant women (I was among those) and women with small children quickly shipped off to what were extremely harsh and spartan conditions in an encampment where 'shantytown' conditions prevailed with no indoor facilities, no hot or cold running water with the exception of a hose, and very little in the way of shelter, but what made the conditions so much worse was the fact that there was very little food for anyone especially the children.  The children that were supposedly so 'valued' by our 'earthly spiritual father', Father Yod were forced to live in near-starvation conditions  The only food sources were whatever fruit could be found or picked on any given day, by the two men or 'sons' who were sent along and where many days they returned only with pineapple or breadfruit.  There were also a small ration of wheat berries soaked overnight and eaten raw, as a source of protein.  But, that was it!  While Father Yod was ensconced in comfort back in Los Angeles banging on the kettle drum with a bounty of plenty surrounded by 'his women' who waited on him hand and foot.

Jim Baker also believed that children were like 'little animals' that should be removed from the group whenever they became unruly and so he implemented what was called 'the box' which was where an unruly child was placed in isolation until they calmed down and became compliant.  The box was used at The Father House in Los Angeles, and utilized again at The Hilo Country Club on the Big Island.  I never liked the idea of 'the box' and know that had my son been old enough there was no way in hell that I would have allowed anyone to put him into that box!  But, again groupthink took over and dominated every aspect of life within The Source Family and so whatever either Father Yod or his 'council' of women decided was always implemented.  I won't go into Father Yod's edict for the family members to not use any outside medical help, since I've covered that in other posts, but suffice it to say that the children in The Source Family suffered the most from such a derelict and harmful belief system!  Since writing this post, I found and attached a link to an excellent pdf where much of what is written about applied to what happened in The Source Family cult.

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Source Family No Longer Exists

I wanted to do a post for the benefit of those who have been given the impression that The Source Family still exists or that it is still a functioning group, which is just not true.  I will explain what happened to cause the resurgence to promote Father Yod and The Source Family.  In the early 1990's Sky Saxon (lead singer for The Seeds), and a former long-time family member decided that they would try and profit off the Yahowha 13 albums and so the two of them decided to make a box set of all the albums making a deal with a Japanese label, regardless of the fact that Sky (known as Arelich) had only performed on one of the albums, and the other former family member had never performed on any of the albums or written any of the songs....they just both felt a sense of entitlement to release a box set with no compensation going to any of the songwriters or musicians!

It is my feeling, that a bad precedent was set when these two individuals released and profited off the box set of all the music that had been produced at The Father House back in 1973, which made it all more enticing for others to want to do the same, especially since none of the songwriters or musicians were monetarily compensated for the release and sales of that box set.  Although Sky Saxon is still considered a former member of The Source Family, he never actually lived with the group, because Father Yod would not allow Sky's dogs, but he did make an occasional appearance spend a day or two and then left.

After the box set came out, a couple of other former members saw that money could be made from the sale of the music that had been produced during a brief window of time when the entire group was living together in Los Angeles, and who then decided that a for-profit corporation should be created, under the guise of 'protecting the family music' when in truth it was to help facilitate two individuals gaining some kind of control over the music and the entire Source Family narrative, and so 'the source foundation' was formed, along with placing two former family members in the positions of President and Vice President (for life).  With the prospect of money and notoriety to be had, a book and the consequent documentary were made by the same two individuals who were leading the newly formed 'source foundation'.  That is how the whole resurgence and regurgitation of Father Yod and The Source Family began.

But, until then most of us who had been in The Source Family had hoped that the entire thing would just be left in the dustbin of the past and be forgotten, and so the statement made by one who is leading the charge how The Source Family 'was all but flatlined' was not because the group was on some kind of hiatus, but was because most former members have just been too embarrassed to have their family members, friends or children find out about them having been in a cult!

The truth is there are really only two people who are behind the push to promote and sell Father Yod and The Source Family to the general public, as being 'forerunners of a new age' and any or all of the websites proclaiming to be 'the official site' for 'The Source Family' making statements such as, 'this site represents The Source Family' is simply not true, and also extremely misleading.  The Source Family no longer exists----it ended the day that Jim Baker jumped off the cliff on Oahu and subsequently died, although much like a body on life support some tried to keep it alive for another year.

Any website proclaiming to be representative of The Source Family, or Father Yod, or Yahowha are the creation of just one individual, who is intent on spreading the so-called 'teachings' of 'Yahowha' and selling source family merchandise, but who certainly does not represent the entire group of former members.  I am one of those former Source Family members and nothing that this person says or proclaims is representative of me!  None of the websites named Father Yod or Source Family are representative of my present views and opinions, and are only the views and opinions of one person.  A person who spent less than six months in The Source Family at the very end and a small handful of zealous former members, who are now following that person's lead.  That same person photoshopped themselves into a group photo taken in LA forty years ago.  Any website that represents itself as being a Source Family website is misleading and misrepresentative in order to give the impression that the entire body of former family members are behind their site which is a falsehood.

Just like in the Wizard of Oz there is only one man behind the curtain pulling all the strings, in order to present himself as being the 'new leader or head' of the defunct Source Family.  But, it is my feeling that it is misleading to give people the appearance that there is something to join or become part of.  Oh, you can become a fan or a follower of the 2012 film, and perhaps someone might even give you an honorary 'Aquarian' name!  But, people need to know that there is no longer a Source Family, and certainly nothing to join.

In my mind, the only true liberation (the title of Jim Baker's book) that I felt after spending six years in The Source Family cult was when it finally ended in 1976.  So, I urge anyone who is interested in finding out more about The Source Family to understand and know this----that there are only a very small handful of people who are intent on perpetuating a mythos around Jim Baker in order to either disseminate his so-called teachings or to sell merchandise and so it is only a few people who desperately want the public to shower them with accolades and praise, and even bask in their presence simply for having been members of The Source Family cult forty years ago.

Seriously, that was exactly what two former family members who were behind the documentary were offering when it came out in 2012----the opportunity for someone to pay money to have dinner with them!  The fact that these two people think so highly of themselves that it would be an 'honor' for someone to have dinner with them, was simply beyond the pale for the other former Source Family members like myself who witnessed the humongous egocentric behavior of these two individuals; one of whom had only spent less than six months in the group at the very end, yet see themselves as an authority on the entire experience.  I don't think so.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


This post is to pay homage to my son's father, Tim Garon for all of the wonderful music that he composed and performed throughout his life.  But, since this blog pertains to 'life in the source family'; I'm primarily reserving this post to that time in his life.  Tim Garon met Jim and Robin Baker at Yogi Bhajan's ashram in Los Angeles in 1969.  Tim's cousin, Shakti Parwha Kaur (Miriam Garon) was the Yogi's personal secretary, and so Tim began attending classes that were held at the ashram and after meeting Jim and Robin; his cousin Shakti got him a job washing dishes at The Source Restaurant.  Tim soon began referring to Jim Baker as 'father', as Jim Baker was just starting his formation of what would become The Source Family, with himself becoming its 'earthly spiritual father'.  Tim spent an entire year with Jim and Robin Baker, along with another man who also became a follower of Jim Baker, before anyone else joined what was initially called The Brotherhood of The Source.  But, as the group grew Tim became more and more disillusioned with Jim Baker, especially after he displaced and replaced his wife, Robin with Makushla and so many other women.  So, Tim just came and went as he pleased as he watched what he considered a circus show unfold around Jim Baker.  Because although Tim held an appreciative fondness towards Jim Baker, he could not stand the worshipful meiny that had formed around him.  

Tim Garon was given several names, during the course of the cult beginning with Destiny, then Aladdin, briefly David and then finally he got stuck with the name Hom; a name that Tim could not stand. Supposedly the planets made their own individual sound and Hom was one of those sounds, although I do not recall for which planet.  Tim Garon was also the first singer/songwriter to join 'The Brotherhood of The Source' where Robin Baker would often sing with him.  In the very early days of the group, it was Tim who entertained at every 'family' gathering.  But, as more musicians began joining eventually Yahowa 13 took center stage and garnered all of the attention and promotion, and Tim's voice and songs were heard less and less.  

After the family ended, Tim wanted no affiliation with The Source Family, yet those promoting Father Yod and The Source Family continued to use and sell his music.  The argument of the two people who are selling Source-branded merchandise is that Tim had given them verbal permission to use his songs, as long as they did not use his real name.  But, the thing is that Tim died in 2008, and the film which features two of Tim's songs was not released until 2012.  Logic and common decency or even courtesy dictates that those two people should have reached out and contacted Tim's heirs to either ask permission or just given a 'heads up.' But neither was extended to either me (his former wife), or Tim's son and heir (our son).  So, when the film was being unveiled at SXSW in Austin in 2012 someone called me from the event to tell me that two of Tim's songs had been used, along with video footage of Tim performing his song Woman Beyond The Sun; all unbeknownst to me or his/our son.  The two individuals leading the charge in the revival of Father Yod and The Source Family could have easily reached out to me via either email or a phone call, because I had been contacted to ask if I wanted to be interviewed for the documentary and yet not one mention ever of their intentions of taking, using and selling Tim's music.  

Tim's son does not receive one dime from the sales of either of his Dad's songs used in the 2012 film and soundtrack album, or from his songs on Yahowa 13 and 'Father Yod' albums, because again it goes back to the arrogant and imperious 'sense of entitlement' that some former members feel they have to just take, license and sell whatever they want with little or no compensation going to the individuals whose songs and music they have been so freely licensing!  This is the most disturbing aspect of two people's appropriation of the entire story of The Source Family---two people who behave as though the entire story/narrative belongs to them, along with anything that was created during the time that we all lived together making it their own property, especially all of the music that was made.  My only recourse is to hire a music attorney or sign new licensing agreements with a new set of individuals, who want to profit from music sales.  Even if Tim had given a verbal consent for his songs or music from 40 years ago to be used---the claim made by the president and vp of the now defunct 'source foundation'; the fact that Tim never signed a damn thing with those two should have given them pause from just going ahead and taking and using his music!  It is my belief that some kind of consideration should have been given to Tim's heirs ie his son and me.  But, I am dismissed and labeled by 'the foundation' prez as being, 'the out of touch ex-wife', whom he feels has no claim to Tim's music.  Yet, Tim's own son was also completely sidestepped and circumvented.  

What's done is done, yet no restitution of any kind has been allotted or offered to Tim's son without agreeing to sign 'source foundation' contracts in what I saw as a 'friendly form of extortion', until just recently.  In a long overdue and pathetic effort on the part of the president of the source foundation, upon the announcement of the dissolution of his foundation, an accounting was given in the amount of $30.40 to be paid to Tim's son for the sale and use of his Dad's songs and music for all these years, and in what was meant to be a personal and petty dig at me noted that payment was ONLY to be paid to my son (not me)!  Ha ha ha!  So, Tim's son has finally been offered some kind of recompense for the sale and use of his Dad's song on a Yahowa 13 album that has been on sale since the early nineties, while completely omitting any remuneration for Tim's song Every Morning, because the prez of the source foundation admitted to having no knowledge of that being Tim's song; which only goes to prove the disconnect of those who have wanted to profit from all of the music, but who have no idea themselves who wrote what song or who was performing on any of it!  Unbelievable. The photo below was taken at The Father House of Tim singing/performing for the entire group with Jim Baker aka Father Yod behind him. 
Here is an early recording of Tim singing a song he wrote titled First Song that he performed in the early days of The Brotherhood of The Source.

Several years ago, Karl Anderson, the owner of Global Recording Artists, encouraged me to put out a cd of Tim's songs that he wrote and performed in the early days of The Source Family.  Those songs are available here

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sex That Was Not Magic

I was almost thinking of using the title 'No Condoms Here' for this post, rather than 'Sex That Was Not Magic', because with all of the exchange of bodily fluids that was promoted by Father Yod; it presented a frightening scenario of health concerns and complications resulting from the unprotected sex of an entire group of people engaging in a form of sexual musical chairs where the exchange of sexual partners within The Source Family was encouraged by our leader, Jim Baker who directed and controlled the sexual behavior of everyone in the group and who would continually place people with other partners.

Father Yod was continually messing with people's lives in The Source Family. Marriages and relationships were often destroyed, due to the open relationship environment that Father Yod created. Even though Jim Baker legally married Robin Baker in 1970, that did not stop or prevent him from having sex with any of the other women in The Source Family. So, not long after his marriage to Robin when more and more women began to join the group, Jim Baker deconstructed the institution of marriage in order to live out or facilitate his own acquisition of what he called spiritual wives.

The wide-eyed innocence and youthful exuberance that many of us had in joining The Brotherhood of The Source for many was soon lost and turned into dismay and disquiet, especially after being induced into adopting some of the occult practices of our newfound 'earthly spiritual father', Jim Baker, who believed it was for our spiritual growth. The most extreme of these practices was the ceremonial sex magic that Father Yod began to practice. The joyful exhilaration that many of us had felt in anticipation of practicing meditation to explore cosmic consciousness was soon replaced with trepidation and consternation especially among the women.

When Jim Baker began reading Aleister Crowley's writings on 'sex magick' and then decided that everyone within the group should engage in his adaptation of ceremonial sex----things began to change dramatically. There were two acceptable ways of having sex in The Source Family----one was called Dhyanism (a word that Jim Baker took and adapted from Dhyana in Hinduism) where the man held his semen (except to procreate), while sitting in an upright tantric yoga position that was the most practiced sex magic that Jim Baker extolled and performed with his entourage of women and encouraged the men to practice.

But then Jim Baker decided to take having sex to a whole other ceremonial level by adopting and using Aleister Crowley's 'sex magick' where Baker took and adopted and adapted one of Crowley's occult rituals calling it quosoh.  The practice of qudosh changed the entire dynamic of The Source Family and was the reason that many chose to leave the group and is also the main reason that many who engaged in this practice under the direction of Father Yod want absolutely no affiliation with The Source Family any longer.

When Jim Baker made 'sex magick' the predominant focus of his so-called teachings, it created a pervasive and underlying sense of coercion and shame among the majority of former Source Family members that, in my opinion continues to this day. That is also the main reason that no one speaks openly about the sex magic that was performed in The Source Family, because it is just too embarrassing for anyone to admit to having participated. Although, those who are intent on promoting Father Yod and The Source Family when asked about sex in The Source Family cautiously say that it was a kind of tantric sex.

Over fifty years has passed and I feel that it's time that the truth and the reality of what really went on within The Source Family is finally revealed----even if faced with having a lifetime of regret which is what Jim Baker threatened would happen if anyone from the group divulged the practice of quodosh which he had imposed on everyone. When in reality, it is my opinion that the majority of former members have a lifetime of regret for obeying Jim Baker to the extent that they did. Everyone whom I've ever spoken to who were in The Source Family along with me agree that the practice of qudosh is the biggest regret they have from the experience especially a majority of the women.

It is my belief that an unsuspecting public are now being exposed to the story of Jim Baker and The Source Family story as being representative of the New Age as being beacons of health, when having unprotected sex within a large group of almost complete strangers is hardly a recipe for health in my opinion. Which is probably what lead to an outbreak of hepatitis when we were all living at The Hilo Country Club.  Several people came down with what was called 'golden spell'---a friendly term for hepatitis. It is for this reason why so many people who were in The Source Family were mortified to see the story of Jim Baker and The Source Family being promoted and publicized to be put under the scrutiny of the public----knowing full well that the secretive sexual practices of The Source Family might eventually be revealed.

The Brotherhood of The Source began for many with happy, joyful feelings in having found a group of like-minded people who were also intent on spreading peace and love along with the prospect of gaining esoteric spiritual teachings from Jim Baker, but soon morphed into a group pressure to comply to Father Yod's expectation for the entire group to perform sex magic----something which nobody signed up for initially, but soon became the most important and predominant of Father Yod's so-called teachings that in my opinion, began the downward spiral of the group.

The demand and expectation of his followers to obey his directive and perform sex magic accordingly created an extremely stressful environment. Jim Baker's expectation for the women to perform sex magic often with men they barely knew only added to the stress and disempowerment that many women were already feeling.  As if it were not demeaning enough that your only role in life as a woman as deemed by Father Yod was to be of service to a man and then having the added pressure and expectation of performing sex magic with men whom your only connection was that you both happened to be in The Source Family at the same time!

Breaking down the personal boundaries of individuals especially between those of married couples is something that has been done in countless other cults and is how Jim Baker was able to implement his version of ceremonial sex magic into The Source Family.  I recently found this excellent compendium about Aleister Crowley and the reasons and origins of his brand of sex magic for anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of the ceremonial sex magic that Jim Baker adopted and imposed on his followers in The Source Family.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

A Cautionary Tale

Life in The Source Family After spending six years of my life in the cult that was The Source Family from 1970 until 1976, I feel that qualifies me to speak out against the continued proliferation and promotion of either Jim Baker as being some kind of messiah, or life in The Source Family as being a 'new age' lotusland.  It is my firsthand experiences of being in The Source Family that have influenced and shaped the harsh opinions and views that I now hold about the man, Jim Baker who lead a group of people down a slippery slope of isolation and separation from the rest of society by adopting and following his belief system; a belief system that convinced his followers they were chosen and saviors and like other cult leaders like Jim Jones and The People's Temple wanted to remove and isolate his flock to a remote area preferably outside the US which is also what Jim Baker was intent on doing.  Jim Baker aka Father Yod sent his 'sons' to Costa Rica and other places to look for land starting in the very early days of 'the family' to look for a paradise on earth where the entire Source Family could relocate in order to create his idea of utopia.  Moving the entire group to Hawaii was the closest that Jim Baker came to fulfilling that desire or utopian dream of his, but which only resulted in near starvation conditions, serious outbreaks of staph and a hostile reception by locals.  

There are many reasons why I believe the story of The Source Family a cautionary one as opposed to the idealized and glamorized version that some former family members would rather present, along with a kind of religious extremism and a worshipful idolatry in the belief that the letters YHVH are the true name of God which Jim Baker adopted as being the bulwark of his teachings and is the other motivating factor why some would like to promote Jim Baker into sainthood.  So, by taking and using YHVH or Yod He Vau He as though it were Jim Baker's own creation it has become the foundation for some former family members to form or create a quasi religious following around Jim Baker aka Yahowha.  But, my personal belief is that The Source Family was a complete failure....a spiritual/communal experiment gone awry, because of the leader's belief in himself being God where he continually transgressed the personal boundaries of women (some very young) using his position of power and influence as their 'spiritual father' to have ongoing sexual relationships with him never seeming to be satisfied with the growing number of females already surrounding him, but seeking conquest of any new attractive female who made the mistake of joining The Source Family.  It is my belief that Jim Baker wrecked havoc emotionally and often times physically in his follower's lives' that some would rather be completely forgotten.  Besides, it's easier to sell Jim Baker as being a saint or a hero, if his image and memory are kept squeaky clean and impeccable and anything wrong or sordid, unhealthy or misguided or detrimental are either forgotten about or explained away by attaching spirituality or magical thinking, especially if very few former members are willing to come forward and challenge the lotusland image of life in The Source Family.  

The Source Family never did any humanitarian work; we didn't give back to the community or society at large or help the world in any meaningful way.  We didn't grow our own vegetables or even recycle.  Everything and everyone was focused on and revolved around the fulfillment of Jim Baker's desires and directives which quickly had devolved around him and 'his women' where an almost incessant attendance and fawning adoration seemed to be required.  I observed the entire thing play out until the bitter end, until Jim Baker had nowhere else to go and was looking for a way to be released from the situation that he had created and found himself. 

The Source Family became a group of dependent, indolent and ineffectual followers of Jim Baker where he had accumulated a dozen or more women around himself where bickering and positioning were playing out on a continual basis and he just wanted out.  It is a recipe for disaster when a religious or spiritual leader wants to remove his flock to live an isolated existence which played out on Kauai when the entire group moved to some land and set up a compound surrounded by extremely nervous, unwelcoming locals.  Fear set in and what might happen and as seen in other cults a mass suicide could have easily ensued within The Source Family cult compound, because that is the extent of the zealous and worshipful adoration that some had for their 'spiritual father' Jim Baker.  

Following one person to such an extreme that you give up your own personal autonomy where your voice and independent thinking are silenced and discouraged by the groupthink rampant in all cults especially where the leader is seen as a visionary, adept or messiah to me is one of the greatest of human follies.  Which is another reason that I feel compelled to disabuse anyone who wants to elevate, sanctify or idolize Jim Baker as heralding in a new age, and to encourage anyone interested in The Source Family or mesmerized by any of the hyperbole surrounding its promotion to see it for what it really was---a litmus test for what happens when people decide to follow, idealize and worship one person.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Wacko World of Yogi Bhajan

I encourage anyone who is interested in learning more about Jim Baker and The Source Family, to check out The Wacko World of Yogi Bhajan forum; which in my mind is essential reading in order to gain a better understanding of the 'spiritual' tree that the apple, Jim Baker fell in wanting to create his own 'aquarian legacy' by labeling his own group of followers as being 'an aquarian tribe' having all of us adopt the surname Aquarian and on and on it went from there.  Jim Baker considered Yogi Bhajan his 'spiritual father' and so he is seen as the grandfather of The Source Family.   It is my view that to understand the mindset and belief of Jim Baker and why he started his own 'family'; one needs to learn more about his own 'spiritual' master or teacher.  

It always seemed to me that Jim Baker was trying to outdo or impress Yogi Bhajan either with the amount of followers that Jim Baker had acquired, or with the music that was coming out of The Source Family.  You can hear Father Yod speaking on the Breath track Woman Beyond The Sun that I have posted saying, "Send this tape of this morning's class to Yogi Bhajan.  I love to blow that old yogi out."  To me, this sounded like a man trying to impress or outdo another.  Jim Baker adopted and integrated many of the kundalini yoga exercises that he learned while with Yogi Bhajan, as part of his 'teachings' in The Source Family, and so Yogi Bhajan was held in high esteem for being Jim Baker's 'spiritual teacher' and was to be shown the same respect and reverence as Jim Baker wanted to be shown.  

It is my belief that in reading and learning about Yogi Bhajan, it will give people a better understanding of Jim Baker, because many of his actions and behaviors mirrored that of the Yogi.  But, where it turns out Yogi Bhajan secretly had a bevy of women referred to as 'secretaries' that he was sexually involved; Jim Baker trumped that by brazenly and openly having 'spiritual wives' in The Source Family.  Jim Baker believed that he had surpassed the Yogi by openly having sex with multiple women within his group; as opposed to the clandestine trysts carried out by Yogi Bhajan and I distinctly recall Jim Baker stating that.  They both seemed to share the desire for ostentatious displays of having wealth and affluence, although Jim Baker could only afford to acquire one used Rolls Royce, with the assistance of an older man who joined The Source Family.  

Although the 2012 film about The Source Family gives the impression that Jim Baker aka Father Yod drove around in a Rolls Royce for the entire duration of The Source Family, that was certainly not the case; but was only something that served more as a prop, to give the appearance of The Source Family having wealth.  The white Rolls Royce that has been featured in several of the publicity shots surrounding the promotion of Father Yod and The Source Family was only used for a brief period of time in Los Angeles when the entire group was living at The Father House, in order to help promote The Source Family in the hopes of attracting people with money into joining, because funds needed to support 100+ people was putting a strain on the income generated by The Source Restaurant.  

So, Jim Baker set about trying to attract and bring in more lucrative prospects by 'putting on a show' and making an appearance around Hollywood.  But, it was all smoke and mirrors---an illusion, which is why I encourage anyone interested in how Jim Baker became a 'spiritual father' to learn more about Yogi Bhajan; the man who was considered the grandfather of The Source Family.  I have included a few of the statements written by a woman who remained with Bhajan for years where I found many of the same behaviors playing out in The Source Family.  Many of the same kinds of behaviors found in Yogi Bhajan's cult played out in The Source Family, especially in both men's behavior and treatment of women; similarities that cannot be ignored and give a much better understanding of Jim Baker and the acquisition of his own group of 'wives', or 'secretaries' as they were called in Bhajan's cult.

"Yogi Bhajan may not have been a great spiritual teacher, but there is no doubt that he was a master at acting like a great spiritual teacher."
"In just the same way, a cult leader like Yogi Bhajan cannot pull off his scam unless he captures the devotion and adoration of the women around him. Fundamentally, therefore, all black magicians are also gigolos."
"It was Yogi Bhajan's goal to make the women of his cult independent of all men except himself."
"As long as they played their roles devotedly, Yogi Bhajan's women were given a great deal of status, political power within the organization, financial security and lots of cool jewelry."

The photo above shows 'the student' Jim Baker emulating/looking exactly like his spiritual 'father', Yogi Bhajan.  This must have been about 1969, before Jim Baker left Yogi Bhajan to create/form his own 'aquarian' tribe of devoted followers calling it the Brotherhood of The Source.

The above photo shows Jim Baker (aspiring pupil and disciple) sitting in front of Yogi Bhajan with a lovely and young Robin Popper sitting off to the side of her soon-to-be husband, before she/Robin proposed the idea of Jim Baker gathering his own flock of followers and creating their own spiritual group.  Robin helped Jim Baker to compose his 'Ten Commandments For The Aquarian Age' contained in the book they penned together titled Liberation, although she was removed/demoted from her place as 'spiritual mother' of the Source Family and replaced/displaced with another more desirable object of Jim Baker's desire and affection.  But, the makings of the guru, ersatz father-figure Father Yod/Yahowha is shown above in training sitting at the feet of his own spiritual teacher.

This photo was taken in the early days of The Brotherhood of the Source which was probably the only time that I can recall where Yogi Bhajan made an appearance.  This was outside in the dirt parking lot of The Source Restaurant, during an open 'family' concert.  Also, I just happened to be sitting in the row behind, that day.

I recently found this article

I found a video titled Empire of Yoga that is part of Vice Tv's True Believers series, and in that video was a shot of Yogi Bhajan teaching a class inside The Source Restaurant where you can see Jim Baker sitting in the background and Robin Baker sitting up front, as well as Tim Garon next to the woman in the pink top.

In the photo above, Tim Garon was sitting to the right (facing the photo) of the woman in the pink, flowered top.  Tim's first cousin, Miriam Garon was Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa, the “Mother of 3HO” and was Yogi Bhajan’s first student in the United States.  Here are a couple of links about Miriam. 

This one includes a video interview with her.

Friday, November 6, 2015

A Colossal Mistake

Les Adam, or Rhythm as he was called in The Source Family died recently, but he and I had several conversations over the past couple of years about our most vivid memories of being in The Source Family and one of his most profound memories was when he recounted being kicked out by 'the council' which was the ruling body of Jim Baker's 'women' and given $50 and told to leave the group.  Les was forced to leave behind his infant son and his son's mother, because he did not want them to follow him out onto the streets of Honolulu, with only $50 dollars in his pocket not knowing where he was going, or what he was going to do next.  

All of that because of a simple misunderstanding between Les and a local man.  After Jim Baker died and Makushla became the ersatz 'head' of 'the family', all of the pandering and fawning that had been showered on Father Yod/Yahowha was then shifted to her. Although a couple of the more aggressive and self-serving 'council women' manipulated the decisions of the new 'head' of the floundering Source Family who was being bolstered and held up and advised by the more aggressive 'council' women who had been trying to run 'the family' for quite some time and who were now given free reign to do as they pleased which was to dictate how the Source Family members should behave or act, meting out their own form of justice.

In what was a simple miscommunication between Les and a local man who had befriended a couple of 'family' members and who had started attending morning class, because the local man found his bicycle missing one morning, because Les had taken and ridden the bike to 'class' or morning meditation in what was a complete misunderstanding.  Les wasn't stealing the man's bike, nor did he have any malicious intent in taking and using the man's bike, but because the local man was providing financial assistance to the council of Yahowha's women----they sided with him and made the decision to kick Les out of the family in order to teach him a lesson when primarily it was to show their unanimous support for the new convert who was providing them with financial assistance. 

Les, who had been a Source Family member for years had contributed volumes to the entire body of albums and music that were produced at The Father House in Los Angeles, and who was once one of Jim Baker's most valued sons was cast out and made to leave by 'the council' of women headed by Makushla. This was just one example of the kind of justice meted out by Jim Baker's 'council' of women both during and after his death in one glaring self-serving bias after another by the group of women who became, what I considered the overlords of The Source Family.  

A couple of these women continue to see themselves as being 'wives' and 'women' of "Yahowha", because they desperately want to try and keep up the artifice, some continuing to pay reverence and respect to Makushla---the woman who Jim Baker replaced his wife, Robin Baker with as his numero uno woman, in a continued pandering and reinforcing Makushla as being Jim Baker's or rather 'Yahowha's Mother/Angel' by some in their desire to keep the 'cult of Yahowha' alive and well.  

Mother/angel was a term used by Jim Baker to denote 'his women' or the women whom he began to acquire around him.  If a woman was designated as only being an 'angel', that meant she only served a son, and not the great leader Jim Baker.  But, my feeling is that the women who continue to refer to themselves as being a 'woman of Yahowha' really need to get over themselves, because the reality is no such thing exists, and was a sham and false pretense to begin with! 

It is my feeling any woman who still considers herself one of the 'wives' or 'women of Yahowha' would do better to shower their love and devotion on the men or husbands they have in their present lives, rather than continuing to worship or exalt Jim Baker, a man who towards the end of his life realized what a colossal mistake that he had made in accumulating so many women around him, along with the entire dependent, indigent and ineffectual group of followers that he had acquired and just wanted out.

I created a video comprised of famous paintings of women to showcase Les Adam's (Rhythm's) beautiful and haunting song Woman---a song that was also used in the 2012 film, but where Les received no credit.  Les wrote the song and performed on this track.  Woman is also included on the 1973 album titled All Or Nothing At All in which none of the individual songwriters in 'the family' at the time received credit for either their songs or their performances, but rather was titled 'Father Yod and The Spirit of '76' to convey all credit to 'Father Yod' while obscuring the identities of the people who actually made the music!  Welcome to cult mentality at its finest.

Another of Les Adam's songs written and performed while in The Source Family titled Edge of A Dream, also featured on the Savage Sons of Yahowa album.

This song Welcome To The Country written and performed by Les Adam, was one of the songs presented to A&M Records who were interested in signing Breath to a record deal, but after Father Yod was told that A&M Records was not willing to make it a Source Family contract, but were only willing to sign the individual musicians; he/Father Yod said no and put the kibosh on the whole thing!

Monday, November 2, 2015

The Brainwashing of Cults

I am going to attempt to explain how the majority of women who were in The Source Family, especially the women with babies and small children were placed in an extremely helpless and vulnerable position within the social order of the group, with the help of the excellent explanations on cult mind control that I have included.  One of Jim Baker's fundamental 'teachings' was how women were like the moon---changeable, emotional, and dependent on a man, or sun (using the life-giving rays of the sun as a metaphor for man) for everything in their lives.  Jim Baker also believed that women were emotionally ill-equipped to deal with the outside world, and so he did not want to see any of the women in his 'family' working in the outside world or maya (maya In Vedic philosophy meaning the limited, physical reality) exposed to all the negative vibrations of the big, bad outside world or the sexual lust of men who were not in 'the family' brainwashing us all into adopting and integrating Jim Baker's worldview of a woman's role, as being our own.  But, that is what happens in a cult, and that is what happened in The Source Family.  The majority of people who joined The Source Family adopted Jim Baker's 'transcendent belief system' which were called 'teachings', as being their own.

Most of us gave up all our belongings upon joining the family and so we no longer owned cars or had money of our own (although, it turned out some still did), or conventional clothing and shoes, much less underwear.  No one had what was considered normal or acceptable clothing or attire, or the resources in which to go out and look for work even if any of us had wanted to----it was just not possible, under the directive of our 'earthly spiritual father', who controlled every aspect of his followers lives.  Which is why when one of the most devoted male followers of Jim Baker recently stated that the women who were in The Source Family, who suffered under the directives of Father Yod had been responsible for themselves and should have gone out to look for work---an absurd thing to say.  But his statement highlights perfectly the continued denial and refusal of some former Source Family members in admitting or accepting the fact that The Source Family was a cult, and that we all were brainwashed into adopting and accepting the particular roles for men and women, as determined by Jim Baker in the formation of his 'Aquarian family.'

In fact, some of the men who were in the family blame the women for everything that went wrong within the group, rather than placing any blame on their hero, Jim Baker.  But, the men in The Source Family were seen as 'gods' and 'suns' and a woman's only role in life was to 'serve and inspire' her god man, or sun.  The word 'serve' was the exact term used by Jim Baker.  A woman's role of 'serving' a man in The Source Family included making his meals and serving it to him, doing his laundry, giving him foot and full body massages, making his clothing, and performing 'sex magic' as prescribed by Jim Baker.  I observed a preferential treatment and coddling of several of the men by Jim Baker where no doubt a good ole' boy mentality began to play out between Jim Baker and his 'sons' in who could attract or keep the most women, because Jim Baker would continually point out or brag about how women were only attracted to the most powerful and constant 'sun' meaning himself.  Because attracting women, or 'angels' as Jim Baker referred to any potential new female member was of paramount importance to him.

Jim Baker was constantly trolling and looking for new prospective 'angels' to join the ranks of the other women within The Source Family.  Which, by the way, when Jim Baker performed with Yahowha 13 at a local high school of all places it seemed so glaringly inappropriate to me!  Jim Baker was trolling for new female converts at a local high school!  Which also begs the question of why would a principal allow the leader of a cult to sing and perform on their campus!  That still baffles me.  So, considering the treatment that Jim Baker expected the women, or 'angels' to perform for his 'sons'; it came as no surprise when I came under attack by a couple of these men, who were in The Source Family who do not want to hear what I have to say, or any other woman who was in The Source Family who openly speaks out or talks about their hero in a disparaging way.  But, after forty years, I feel that it is time that the truth about what really went on in The Source Family is told and exposed for the cult that it was, and not some 'new age' ideal tribe or 'forerunners of the Aquarian Age' that some are trying to foist upon the public.  In fact, more people got into drugs and alcohol immediately after the family dispersed than I cared to know about.  But, if some former members choose to only promote an idealized account of  Jim Baker and The Source Family that is their prerogative, but mine is to present a more realistic and honest view about what life was really like in this particular 'new age' cult; especially the enervation that engulfed the women who existed in a kind of helpless limbo where their only role was to be obedient and serve a man, and even worse---perform the sexual ritual called qudosh with multiple men.  The following statement was one that Jim Baker told the women they were to say, if they found themselves embroiled in an argument or disagreement with their 'man', "You are right.  I am wrong.  It is the will of God."  The following statements about brainwashing were taken from the website that I've included below.

To varying degrees, believers can experience a sort of refined mania of inspiration, almost like a drug high, when they are in the hubris phase, identifying with their imaginary idealized new self, with its enhanced understanding and kindness, etc. This inspiration is pleasant and even intoxicating in itself, and it may also be interpreted as a sign of spiritual progress, as a glimpse of a higher reality, or as evidence of the truth of the belief system. This is all part of the circular, solipsistic, self-validating nature of a cult belief system.
The most effective mind-control is the kind that isn't recognized by the victim as any kind of manipulation. You don't feel it, you think you are in control.
Briefly, this is how it works. A cult promotes its cultish belief system, and then believers control their own minds, as they train their minds and reform their personalities, in accordance with the tenets of their cultish new belief system.
Understanding the disorientating, drug-like nature of a cult belief system and worldview is the key to understanding cult mind control.
Cults promote a belief system which is utopian and idealistic, and also dualistic and bi-polar in nature. Dualistic, in the sense that they tend to see the world in terms of two opposite poles, such as pure good and evil, the saved and the fallen, the enlightened and the ignorant, etc.
Cult belief systems are also bi-polar in psychological terms, rather like Bi-polar disorder or manic-depression. Cults promote a vision of an ideal 'new life' or 'new self', which members believe they can attain by following the cult teachings.

I also wanted to include this excellent YouTube video that explains exactly how cults work.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Joining The Source Family

When I first joined The Brotherhood of The Source (it's original name) in 1970, it was a fun and rather exciting experience.  It was all so different gathering together at dawn every morning to meditate and listen to Jim Baker speak and espouse his 'teachings' based on his book Liberation, adopting a 'new age' persona in wearing all white clothing and keeping our hair long looking more biblical with each passing day.  Finding not only a seemingly hip, older 'spiritual father', but a livelihood as well---an immediate oasis or refuge from the streets of LA to the warm and welcoming cocoon-like life within Jim Baker's 'aquarian' family.  There was no exam, no entrance fee, nothing needed in order to qualify anyone for joining the brotherhood.  All that was required of anyone was attending morning meditation, and usually working in The Source Restaurant.  Otherwise, pretty much anyone who wanted could join The Source Family which also attracted some bizarre personalities.  Although, anyone even showing a passing interest, who may have only attended a class or two is now considered 'a source family' member.  Bud Cort, the actor was one of those people.  He never actually joined the family, nor did he ever live with the rest of us.  In fact, I believe that he only showed up for class once or twice when classes were held in the Source Restaurant, prior to all of us moving into The Mother House.  Yet, Bud Cort's name is listed as having been a Source Family member.  The list of members has become quite a long list and has grown to ludicrous proportions.

There was an open door policy so anyone could come and go---leave whenever they wanted and even return if they wanted.  So, many people came and went over the six years that The Source Family was in existence.  Although, for those who are keeping track, it didn't matter whether someone spent one hour or one day----they are still considered a member of The Source Family.  So, lack of longevity or even presence has not excluded anyone from being listed as a Source Family member.  Funnily, this exact same kind of belief continues to this day, by a few who desire to keep the entire thing going and so anyone who wishes to adopt Jim Baker as their 'spiritual father', or simply has become a fan or follower can be adopted into The Source Family!  Amazing how that works.  Absolutely anyone can still become a member of The Source Family, if they adopt Jim Baker as their 'earthly spiritual father', even though the man has been dead for over forty years.

But, I believe that is how a religion is formed, by former devotees of a supposedly holy or spiritual leader or teacher by continuing to proliferate and spread the words and 'teachings' of their spiritual leader in the hopes that others will follow the same path.  Nothing brings some more joy than to see other people copying or emulating in either speech or dress their beloved, but deceased spiritual leader.  But, the truths and realities behind the facade or outward appearance of The Source Family is, in my view what the public should know about, before they decide to idealize, copy or emulate Jim Baker's 'aquarian family.'  When an entire group of people all adopt the same clothing, the exact same appearance or look in behavior and speech it's a pretty good indication of a cult and not one big happy family, as some would have you believe of The Source Family.